Venture Capital: How it works and how to attract it

Numerous budding entrepreneurs in the UK require funding to cover their initial setup costs and commercialise products or services. Venture capital investment helps these companies in driving innovation and fueling entrepreneurial growth.

They are ready to spend millions on promising businesses; however, they may not be worth it for all businesses.

As an emerging entrepreneur, it’s crucial to grasp what venture capital is in business and how to attract investors. This article will share the ins and outs of venture capital, its workings, and ways to attract potential investors.

Table of contents

What is venture capital?
How do VC works?
Advantages and disadvantages of venture capital
How to attract venture capital investment?

What is venture capital?

Venture Capital (VC) or venture capital fund is a form of financing that offers capital to early-stage and high-potential startups in exchange for equity. VCs are usually made up of contributions from wealthy individuals or organisations.

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Unlike traditional loans, venture capital investors take on higher risks but have the potential for significant returns on their investments if the venture succeeds.

How do VC works?

VCs usually target startups and small businesses that are highly risky but have the potential to return higher.

All the shareholders of Venture Capital UK firms are informed about their Investments along with potential risks and rewards.

These investments are made against a part of the company share they are investing in. When the startup values grow, the returns for each shareholder increases.

Now, you must understand the stages of a VC lifecycle and what investors will look for in each stage.

●  Pre-seed funding stage
It is the earliest stage of venture capital investment where entrepreneurs with early-stage business plans usually succeed. Angel investors and early-stage VC firms usually fund pre-seed and seed funding stages. It is the riskiest VC funding option as there is no track record of business performance.

●  Seed funding stage
These companies have developed their first product or have very few customers, with too little revenue. The seed capital venture fund round contains less than 15 investors who ask for a proven track record and business ability to scale. They invest in your company against convertible notes, equity or stock.

●  Early stage funding
Companies with a proven record of being a fast-growing startup can ask for early-stage funding. At this point, the company’s annual revenue is of 6 or 7 figures within a short span and is focused on continuous revenue growth over the next 12 to 14 months post-investment.

Here, the investors are looking for a product that can multiply its revenue within 18 months. However, you need to give away a considerable portion of your equity against the investment they will make.

●  Expansion stage
When your venture capitalist sees progress in business and better return potential, they proceed to the expansion stage. At this point, your company has already settled in a specific market and is seeking market expansion or product enhancement.

●  Bridge stage
The final stage of the financing process is where the venture capitalist withdraws their fund after making a good profit on their initial investment. It is known as the bridging or exit stage, a common business practice, and it means the investor has earned significant returns. They can now sell their shares to other investors when you take your business to the public equity market.

Advantages and disadvantages of venture capital

Listed below are some of the Venture Capital advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Venture Capital

1. Provides startups with the necessary capital to fuel growth and development.
2. Bring valuable industry knowledge, experience, and connections to guide and support entrepreneurs.
3. Open doors to potential customers, suppliers, and strategic partners through their extensive networks.
4. Offer strategic advice, mentorship, and operational support to help startups overcome challenges and achieve growth objectives.

Disadvantages of Venture Capital

1. Accepting VC funding means giving up ownership and control of the company.
2. VC investors expect high returns and may pressure startups to meet aggressive growth targets, potentially affecting strategic decision-making.
3. Entrepreneurs may have to compromise on decisions, as VC investors may have differing opinions on company direction.
4. Startups face pressure to generate substantial returns, adding stress and limiting flexibility.

How to attract venture capital investment?

Startups may need to attract venture capital investment at different stages to scale or expand their business. Here are 6 critical steps to consider while looking for Venture capitalists.

1.  Develop a compelling business plan
A business plan is vital for companies that outlines your goals, target market, revenue model, and growth strategy. You can include financial projections and highlight your unique features that encourage VCs to invest.

2.  Build a strong management team
VCs invest in people similarly as they do in businesses. Therefore, you must build a team of skilled and experienced workers who can execute your business plan smoothly. Additionally, they must have the potential to demonstrate a strong track record and potential capabilities.

3.  Develop a minimum viable product (MVP)
You must develop a prototype or an MVP that showcases your products’ potential. This gives an idea about your working model, product efficiency, and the investor’s chances of making good returns.

4.  Conduct thorough market research
It is vital for any company asking for investment to understand their target market. It includes identifying customer pain points, competitors’ progress, and industry trends. You must show evidence to the VCs how your product or services is effectively solving an existing customer problem.

5.  Prepare a comprehensive pitch deck
Companies seeking VC investments must craft a concise, persuasive pitch deck. It must give an overview of your market opportunity, competition, and growth strategy. Additionally, highlight your unique value proposition and differentiate yourself from the existing solutions.

6.  Stay prepared for due diligence
VCs conduct thorough due diligence on companies before investing in them. You must forecast and resolve any existing issues in the company. Additionally, address all potential concerns by having solid documentation, financial records, legal agreements, and well-defined policies and procedures in place.

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VC investment can be attractive to all businesses but is fruitful to those ready to give up their shares against the funds they will receive. Furthermore, entrepreneurs must learn numerous other considerations from experts before looking for investment.

Investment professionals can guide you throughout the process and discuss your financial liabilities, tax obligations, revenue and profits, and everything you must know.

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